Social Involvement Project

Carmey Avdat Farm is participating in Social B&Bs – a new and unique social concept. We believe that your vacation will be more enjoyable if it has additional social significance and contributes to the welfare of others, and we therefore decided to promote the idea of Social B&Bs.
Volunteering and contributing to society are an inseparable part of our lives. Eyal serves as the commander of the local rescue squad and Hannah conducts free tours for non-profit organizations and soldiers. We both do our best to contribute and take part in regional events in the Negev.
The idea of Social B&Bs is based upon social involvement and cooperation between our guests, E.Y.A.L. – the Israeli Epilepsy Association, and us, Hannah and Eyal Izrael.
Volunteers and workers from the E.Y.A.L. Association allocate free vacations to families of children with epilepsy. These vacations offer parents a respite from the difficult and intensive care that epilepsy requires and give them an opportunity to take a break, regroup, and gather strength to continue.
Your donation of NIS 25 is added to the price of each night you spend in our B&B. Your contribution, together with ours, enables us to donate more than a month of free nights to E.Y.A.L. In this way, every guest who stays in our B&Bs participates in this effort.
You will receive a gift and letter expressing our thanks and appreciation at the end of your stay. We hope this will encourage you to volunteer and contribute again in the future.
Thank you for joining us in this important social involvement project!
Hannah and Eyal Izrael